The project
The primary objective of the TEMPO project is to assess the individual and social impact of the Orchestra in Classe program proposed to primary school children in Montepulciano. More generally, the project aims to know the state of emotional and educational wellbeing of young people in Montepulciano also in order to propose public educational programs with the dual objective of improving future opportunities and reducing social inequalities.
Public music programmes are an example of this and are based on the assumption that:
1 – Music fosters the development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills.
2 – Universal and free public programmes reduce educational inequalities in the short run and income inequalities in the long run.
Assessment of the Orchestra in Classe program
Individual impact
Impact on the cognitive and non-cognitive development of children.
Disparities and gaps
Impact on educational, social and gender inequalities.
Measure the return on public investment in high-quality training projects.
In an article published in The Musical Times in 1980, Hans Werner Henze describes the experience of the opera Little Poucet, written by him to be performed by the children of Montepulciano in order to give them an inclusive musical experience. His main goal was educational, to offer opportunities for artistic experiences to children from predominantly rural areas with a relatively low level of human and social capital.
They are all musicians now: music has come into their sweet and fragile lives, they won’t let go of her again, their most faithful ally.
Hans Werner Henze, 1980